Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dress #2

Yesterday was only the second time I had worn a dress in public in over 7 years. It was my niece's 17th Birthday cook out. I have recently been buying a few dresses, so as I looked at my closet and saw them, I decided "what the heck". If not now when Im gonna be around people I know and are comfortable with, then when. The party/cookout was gonna be at a backyard so I didnt wanna wear anyting with a heel and get stuck in the mud, so I opted for my Sketchers boots. I know it might look funny, but Im in Texas so I'm permitted to wear boots with anything LOL. Anyways here is a pic of the dress. Dumb me forgot my camera once I left the house, so no pics of the party. It was good clean family fun though. Sneaked in a beer as well :)

Until next time, laterz

Thursday, March 25, 2010

to gift...cheaply?

As the Easter season approaches, that usually means lots of family parties for me. This weekend is my 16 y/o niece's 17th BDAY party, then sunday my other niece's 13th BDAY dinner. The following weekend will be another niece's 13th BDAY cook out, and sunday will be Easter sunday. In addition to that, the weekend after Easter weekend is my great-nephew's baptism and celebration. dilema is how much (if any) should I spend on each gift for these kiddos.
Breaking it down...Both 12 y/o nieces are also my communial god-children so I gotta get them something special for Easter AND I have to get them a BDAY present. Thats already [4] presents I gotta give. Then the 16 y/o (who is basically like a best friend of mine who happens to be 10 years younger LOL) is telling me I better get her something good, so thats another one making it [5] gifts. Plus the baptism, making it [6] gifts. for me thats alot because Im on a tight budget.
AND thats not even taking into account all my other nieces/nephews that might be expecting something for Easter as well. All together I have 9 nieces/nephews and 3 great nieces/nephew. Yes, it can be overwhelming, I know!

Thats the major drawback to having such a huge family. But I love them all, they're family. I just dont know how much I'm willing to spend on each. Its either I spend practically a whole paycheck on them and buy them all something, or go cheap and hit the dollar store or wal-mart. Im leaning towards the latter but hey, Im a cheap bargain shopper. Would that be tacky or being money-wise?

(P.S. sorry for the long ramble and confusing counts)

Monday, March 22, 2010

single again :(

No long explanation needed here. My boyfriend that I had been seeing for about a month ended our relationship. *sigh* It sucks because I had finally opened up myself to someone and let them into my heart and my family. I guess it just wasnt meant to be. I do still want him in my life though. I wanna ask anyone who is reading this...Is it possible to be just friends with your Ex?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Role reversal

Ok, so I told my BF Robert that I was gonna do a reversal of the "traditional" role of the guy paying for all expenses of a date. My plan was to be all "macho" in a girly way :) and pay for our date. Ok, fail #1 was that he picked me up. I would have picked him up, but he lives way to far and it would have taken an additional 30 minutes for me to go for him. Fail #2, I didnt plan ahead and I had no idea where I wanted to eat. I guess I was suppose to have planned it all out before, but I'm way too undecisive. We ended up going to Texas Steakhouse. I did open the doors for him, I remembered to do that. I was a perfect gentle-woman. As we walked past the tables and piles of peanut shells on the floor (Texas Steakhouse gives you all you can eat peanutes at your table IDK why, but ok) I would have pulled out his chair too, but it was a booth so that idea was a No Go.

I think it would be funny to add, that our waiter was totally a flamboyant closet gay who was totally checking out and semi-hitting on Robert. It was FAB-U-LOUS!!! He was totally cold towards me when taking my order and when he took my plate away he nearly hit me in my face with the plate and he didnt even say sorry. With Robert on the other hand, he kept asking where he had seen him before because he swears he looked familiar, he asked him if his steak was delicious (with a lil smile), and kept standing by his side of the table with a lil hip side stance, and totally ignored me. Hey, Im not complaining, if only he had given us a discount, that would have been awesome. I found the whole situation quite hilarious.

Anyways, back to the date. When the bill came, of coarse the waiter gave it to Robert and smiled, "Hope you enjoyed yourself" (wink wink) ....LOL Ok Ok I might be exagerating that last part but it was that kinda feelinig. I rushed to put my hand on the receipt, but he took it from me. Fail #3, he ended up paying for it. But I DID reimburse him later for it $$ (against his will but I placed the money on his desk anyways) At the parking lot, I took his keys and opened his door for him. Im sure he felt like a princess afterwards..LOL. Then we went to ROSS, my kinda date! HaHa, actually it was his idea,he needed a belt and some other stuff. Still, it was a fun time walking down the clothes aisles and lingerie line LMFAO. I was so proud that I didnt buy anything, Im trying to hold back on my purchasing urges. Ill wait til my next paycheck for that. Anyways..Then we went to his place to hang out. But that was pretty much it. Next time, I will plan it out more and do the whole pick him up and pay up front for our dinner. It was so much fun though, I strongly suggest ya'll try this idea. You will have fun and you dont have to make it anything fancy either. Its the little details like opening doors that makes it cute. :)

Here are some pics of us together, post-date so we look tired and blahhhhhh. (ohh and yes, he is wearing my head band LOL, it made him look like a pretty pretty princess LOL :)

Until next time my lovelies <3

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

date ideas?

Soooooooo......I am officially someone's girlfriend. That is such a new term for me. "Girlfriend" LOL it still sounds wierd to say, but thats just the lil 11 year old girl in me giggling at the thought of it. Anyways, I guess I'll share a lil bit of personal information for the sake of this blog. Im 25 years old, and up until a few days ago, I had never had a "real" boyfriend (online crushes and relationships not included). I guess I'm a very very very late bloomer? LOL. Well, let me just say..I'm lovin it. Roberto (real name Robert, but I like to make him spanish and call him Roberto) is such a sweet, funny, good looking, genuinely great guy and I feel so comfortable around him, which is saying alot because I'm usually very shy and quiet around people outside my family circle.

Anyways, the point of this blog is to see if anyone who actually reads this, could give me some ideas of good date suggestions. We've done dinner, lunch, brunch (we obviously both love food), walking around the mall (more fun for me than it was for him), walking at the park (and watching a group of nerds role-playing a medieval battle with foam was awesomely entertaining), and chilling at his place. I'm not very creative when it comes to this stuff, and I would like your input as to what to try. And dont say movies, because I know that is a default thing to say, we just havent gotten around to that one yet, but feel free to suggest anyting else, and I'll suggest it to him.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bad conversationalist?

Today on the Yahoo front page, I saw this article written by Rich Santos for Marie Claire magazine about "The 10 deadliest conversation sins" (check it out at
In it, it says how these following habits can "doom a relationship" and I have to be honest that I am guilty of some of these. Tisk Tisk Tisk
1) "Conversation Hijacking"
The Hijacker always tries to one-up the other person trying to make their story better and belittle your story. Example :"you think that's funny, let me tell you this". Its horrible but Im guilty of this. I have tried to follow someone else's story with one of my own, but just with the intention of continuing the conversation, not to top their story. Of coarse I want them to listen to my story too, but I dont want them to feel like they were being dominated, so this is something I need to work on.
2) "Eye Contact Issues"
Good eye contact during a conversation is always important. I am kinda bipolar in this area. I am either looking right into your eyes for an uncomfortable amount of time or always looking at other objects around the person themselves. I need to balance these 2 out and give a good balance of eye contact.
3) "Ghost Listening"
This is when you cant hear or dont fully understand what the other person is saying, that you have to repeately ask them to repeat what they just said. Then after a while, you still dont know what was said and you just give a vauge answer. I am sooo guilty of this too. Im usually having to say "what?" "what did you say?" "huh?" then if I still dont know what was said, Ill be like "ohh yeah" or give a lil smile or change the subject. So bad, I know.
4) "Making Tasteless Jokes"
Using inappropriate or obnoxious jokes in the wrong kind of situation. I am again guilty of this. I dont use foul language or use naughty words, but what I say can sometimes be taken as flirty/pervy/inapproriate sometimes. I can have a wierd sense of humor sometimes and it can be kinda awkward when the other person doesnt know that about you.
5) "Shameless Self Promotion"
When people try hard to make themselves seem accomplished or name-drop people they know, just to make a good impression. I dont have many accomplishments so I dont do this much.
6) "ME, ME, ME"
This type of person can go on and on about themselves and puts much focus on their stories, all while shrinking the importance of the other person's story. I have caught myself doing this when the conversation begins to die down. Its easier to just talk about yourself and your experiences. I dont think I do this often, primarily because I dont like having too much attention on me, but if Im ever guilty of this please PLEASE let me know cause I hate doing it!
7) "My Name is Negativity"
Basically like a Debbie Downer who always has bad things to say or talks negatively about themselves or how their lives are non-eventful. Ok, I have been called out on this before. They used to call me EMO-girl cause I would always be so doom and gloom. I can be like "Ohh work sucks" "I have no life" or just making fun of myself. This is ok to break the ice, but on a limited basis so this is something I gotta work on to improve.
8) "Dead End Answering"
Answering questions with a simple "yes" or "no" and can quickly kill a conversation. I can understand how this is a quick convo killer, and I am realizing that I have dont this before, especially if I am already nervous or uncomfortable.
9) "Word Machine"
Kinda the opposite of the Dead End Answerer, this type of person likes to talk alot. I am again guilty of this, especially if its a topic that I feel strongly about. I tend to ramble on about random stuff sometimes, but at least I sometimes realize it and stop LOL...key work SOMETIMES. Hence why I ramble in conversations and why I vent and rant to who ever is willing to listen (or in this case read) LOL
10) "'I only Read Us Weeky, OR Russian Literature"
A girl who either can only talk about pop culture or a book worm who likes to talk about literature and such. Im not much of a reader so I wouldn't be the intelligent literature analyst, but if you ever wanna talk about Lady Gaga's style I'm your girl ;) LOL Im just more of a common everyday lazy gal that watches tv and listens to current radio. I admire those who love to have intelligent conversations, but I dont like to be made to feel stupid around them.

So there you go, those are my reactions/confessions to these 10 so-called conversation NO NOs. Its kinda interesting to read through this list and realize how many of them I actually do. I feel more tuned into what I actually do. I will definetly be more aware of these and try to work at correcting them so that my conversations become more equally balanced and will improve in quality...hopefully!
Is anyone as bad as I????