Monday, October 25, 2010

just sharing...

ok this was my 2009 costume:
Ragedy Anne inspired doll

and this is all I have so far for 2010

1920's gangster/mobster/bartender? LOL

what do ya'll think?

stick with the old, or buy a toy gun to make the new look genuine.

favorite holiday

Halloween is my favorite holiday and not just because of the candies :)
I've always loved Halloween, but never truly go all out and celebrate it.
Last year was the first time in a long time I had dressed up to give out candies, but our street is so dark at night and not many people, let alone innocent kids, walk around at night.
But still I had fun dressing up.
This year, I didn't have as much time as last year to make a costume, so I'm gonna compose one using clothes I already have.
My thought: 1920's gangster/mobster
I shortened a black skirt I had and added white trim to it, I have a white blouse and I'm gonna use a black vest over it, and a Fadora hat I have.
Granted, when I first put everything on, I look like a Michael Jackson wanna be LOL.
So whether I look gangster-ish or MJ-ish...I think its all good.
I don't have any plans for the weekend, but I might just go walking with my nieces as they go trick-r-treating around the neighborhood. Then maybe go home, eat junk food, and watch spooky movies with my 17 and 20 year old nieces.

I wanna know what anyone else is gonna do this Halloween season?

Saturday, October 9, 2010


I have stopped seeing the guy who had brought me so much drama. About 2 weeks ago we had yet another misunderstanding. He always takes my sarcastic jokes seriously and we had an argument. He said that was it, no more seeing each other. Then a week later he asks me to do him a favor but yet again he took a joke of mine way too seriously and acted childish. Well I was at first on the brink of tears while driving back home but F**k I had to say something. I started talking back and defending myself against his claims. He started laughing and when he got out of the car, he came around to my side and tried to grab my face and tell me he would see me that night. I said no. I told him that I wasnt a little 17 year old he could play around with. His attitude changed again and said that this time it would be the last time he contacts me if I left. And I just said ok to his face and drove off.
Well I have seen him at the park a few times and he's seen me drive by his house a few times but we don't hang out anymore. A few days ago, he called me and tried to come over but I stuck to my decision and told him not too. I think it hurt his feelings, but he has to learn that he can't be playing around with women like he did with me. Thinking you can fight, argue, and make claims, and passively agressively attack me and next day all is forgiven and forgotten? Nah Ah, not with me. If he's not apologizing, I'm not giving in.
And it sucks to be alone every night now. I have just been staying home and watching tv. I don't have anyone to go out with and I don't like the club/bar scene. So my life is bland and boring again. But I suppose its better than feeling like you have someone but they don't appreciate you or express any form of care towards you. I guess in the long run, it is for the best. The best for me.
Well now....about this blog here. I don't dress cute, so I can't have a fashion blog. And now I have no more juicy gossip or drama to share. So excuse me if I am lacking here. If something exciting comes up, I'll put something up. Until then.