Halloween is my favorite holiday and not just because of the candies :)
I've always loved Halloween, but never truly go all out and celebrate it.
Last year was the first time in a long time I had dressed up to give out candies, but our street is so dark at night and not many people, let alone innocent kids, walk around at night.
But still I had fun dressing up.
This year, I didn't have as much time as last year to make a costume, so I'm gonna compose one using clothes I already have.
My thought: 1920's gangster/mobster
I shortened a black skirt I had and added white trim to it, I have a white blouse and I'm gonna use a black vest over it, and a Fadora hat I have.
Granted, when I first put everything on, I look like a Michael Jackson wanna be LOL.
So whether I look gangster-ish or MJ-ish...I think its all good.
I don't have any plans for the weekend, but I might just go walking with my nieces as they go trick-r-treating around the neighborhood. Then maybe go home, eat junk food, and watch spooky movies with my 17 and 20 year old nieces.
I wanna know what anyone else is gonna do this Halloween season?