WOW I didn't even realize so much time had passed by since I last wrote on here. I kinda lost my inpiration for writing and I became lazy to even try. I still am very hessitant but ohh well. I guess it is a good form of venting and saying stuff you probably wouldn't have a chance to say otherwise.
If anyone is interested, I am still with my boyfriend from earlier this year. It's been 6 months and going on 7 very soon. This is oficially the longest relationship I have ever been in! LOL It sounds like I'm a player and I only keep short term relationships but if you read from when I started this blog, I wasn't much of a dater. I still don't know what he sees in me lol but whatever it is, let's hope he continues to like it. I love him very much and I am quite happy when I am with him. Of coarse we have our turbulent moment, but that's all they are...moments. Nothing major or disturbing...that I know of LoL. I think it is normal for a couple to argue and have rough patches to work through. Otherwise it would be fake because no one is one!
Anyways, other than that, life is much the same. I have been submitting resumes and I even got an initial interview and a follow up interview this morning for a customer service representative at a Diabetes Education department of the University Health System here in town. This morning's interview didn't go so well I think. My mouth was so dry and I was stumblilng on my own words and repeating myself. I know I don't have the experience with the system they use but ohh well. They said it would take a while for human resources department to contact the applicants with a decision. All I can do is wait in despair lol. I'm not giving my hopes up, but if a miracle happens, then that could mean I'm finally working on developing a career and not just a job like what I have now. Crossing my fingers for good news!