Thursday, February 24, 2011

new development

Sooo..I've gone out with this new guy (greetings and salutations to Josh since I know you read this blog) and he's a very nice, sweet, funny, gentleman who treats me with respect. I didn't know such men still existed LOL. But it's cool because I think we have ALOT in common in some things, but also ALOT of differences in other things. Together we are like Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde. I'm very timid and shy and quiet and reserved in public while he's very social and loud and free and not timid at all. Instead of being at the extreme ends of social mannerisms, perhaps we can learn to meet somewhere inbetween. Hmm, that doesn't sound coherent but it makes sense to me LOL, so it works. I don't know what is to come or how it will continue, but that is part of the adventure. Exploring and discovering. I've learned alot about myself too, I'm quite blunt and can't take some stuff seriously sometimes. I joke alot when I'm nervous or if I'm trying to divert a conversation in another direction. When things get mushy I tend to change the subject or make jokes. The serious relationship stuff scares me, I think I am like a man in that perspective LOL.

But for now I am just enjoying the ride.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

i have a blog?

I kind of abandoned you a month ago basically because I was too lazy to find stuff to write about. It really does help to just write about my issues sometimes. But since I don't normally include any photos or write about interesting things, I thought no one would even notice I stopped. And its true. But I signed in to the website and though I'd write today.
Sooooo....What's up? What's new? In summary...

I'm still single, still friends with that no committment-unappreciative-jealous-player guy, still working at the same doctor's office, still no friends to hang out with, still struggling with weight issue.

Granted, I have started going to a gym, but as often as I go, I'm not seeing any results. It's my fault too for falling to temptation with food items. But its hard to try and lose weight, but at least I'm trying right?

In regards to "that guy" who's always around, yeah I still see him every once in a while. He actually goes with me to the gym, but its more like I'm his ride there cause he doesn't have a car. Once there, we basically do our own thing and so I'm there left alone the whole time. I know he uses me for some things like that and I know he goes out and see other people, that's why I don't place any emotional value to our time together. In the past, I was really attached and jealous, but now it's like so what.

In regards to the single status...I went out with a new friend a few times, but it's too soon to put a label on it. I move at snail pace and I'm scared to really push for something I'm not sure I'm okay with. Valentine's Day came and went. I'm not gonna cry about not having a date, because I chose not to have a date. I had an offer but since it was with a new friend and I didn't want to have any of that added Vday pressure, I said no. Some of my online friends called me mean for doing that, but I was just doing what comes naturally to me. To close myself off and just deal with things on my own. I know that perfect guy isn't gonna ever find me if I'm closed off from the world, that's why I have at least tried accepting invitations. But it's a scary thing for me. It is the shy little girl in me that is holding me back. Another new guy friend who lives out of town, will be in my city the next few days and hopefully he will find time in his schedule for me. We met up for lunch last time he was in town, and I really enjoyed his company. Hopefully this time around, we can do it again. Only time will tell.

Until next time....