Thursday, August 5, 2010

boring clothes?

typical Monday-Friday, Saturday clothes

I have been told more than once by my nieces that I have a boring style. I would have to agree. I am very conservative with my clothes and it was only until earlier this year that I even began to shop more for feminine clothing and even wear dresses on appropriate ocassions. But even though I have cute clothes in my wardrobe, I don't wear them. Partially because I have to dress comfortable and able to run around and be able to bend down with out worrying about my feet hurting at the end of the day or accidently flashing some poor unsuspecting patient. See, I work at a medical office doing front office stuff, but I dont have to wear scrubs, so I dont. So monday-friday I wear my presentable/casual work clothes (always pants) and ugly (but comfy) shoes. I work saturday mornings too, so I wear the usual combo, and I just stay in that clothes all day to do my shopping/errands. Thus, sunday is the only day you might see me in a dress or pretty girly outfit in the morning, then I get uncomfortable and usually change by noon. I'm just not comfortable in dresses, short shorts/skirts, heels, or short sleeve anything. That is why winter is my FAV season. Sweaters, scarfs, pants, boots, coats...un-lucky for me though it never gets really too cold here in south Texas.

But I am trying. On the rare occasion that I have a date or somewhere to go, I will try to be more feminine and not always wear jeans/shirt or blouse/boots or sneakers when I go out somewhere. I do have a quinceanera (mexican equivalent to sweet 16th celebration but at age 15!) to go to this saturday and I'm planning on wearing the dress from the previous post. Then sunday is a family dinner, so I might dress up (I might be the only one there dressed up, but ohh well) since I would feel more comfortable around my family than anyone else.

It is a slow process...but baby steps, baby steps :)

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