Thursday, August 19, 2010

update 08/18/10

So no much new has been going on with me. I could make drama out of some current events, but I prefer to just let them be and accept them and move on. But let me relive them once more:
(1) Some friends are calling me a sucky friend. I know I can be bitchy and mean sometimes but that is just who I am and I thought friends were suppose to stick by your side in the good AND the bad.
(2) Facebook crush of mine deleted me from his account. Ohh well, he was kind of a jerk to me anyways, so I will be over it.
(3) A pleasant blast from the past (my first love) IM'd me and we are talking again? but nothing more than just buddies. I cant deny the occasional jealous bug, but he has a girl and is committed. Im happy for him.
(4) My current "guy friend" is wanting us to quit seeing each other because it is too much like a relationship and he don't want that. Pfft...his loss! You don't get the cow for free here LOL.
(5) I'm breaking out. I'm 26 and I still have acne prone skin. It must be all this damn heat, sweating, and stress.

So basically that is most of it. Call it drama, call it whatever. Tomorrow I am taking my nephew who just turned 18 to a movie and some dinner. That will be a good break from all this. Plus, its almost the weekend again...means a check and shopping!

Until next time...

stay MERRY


  1. well, i guess that's life, huh. who would have thought this was it. I'm going through some crap too. I've bene meaning to vent, but I don't know if I should really vent it on a blog that my mother in law knows about. Anyway, hope you have a good time at the movies!

  2. Maria you know you can always vent to me and I will never judge or tell secrets. If you need to vent, go ahead, its good for you. And thanks I will have a good time, hopefully!

  3. Hi Marisol, thanks for your advise. You pretty much hit the nail on the head about him being stressed out becuase of his job and all the added expenses with the house. We're slowly trying to work things out becuase at the end of the day, we do love each other and we share something very special. 10 years is a long time, and we've been through all kinds of stuff, so this should be no different. Thanks again, I really appreciate your imput and support.
