Thursday, November 18, 2010

*sad face*

SOOOOOO....that smile that I had on my face due to a particular now turned upside down.
Yet again, just when I though that I had met someone sweet, respectful, funny, just overall wonderful, he suddenly drops me like a bad habit. We saw each other sunday and it was great. Then monday he sends a mass text to his contacts that he is changing his number for privacy reasons and that he will text us the new number. Well monday, tuesday, and wednesday came and went and no word. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and thought he still would text me eventually. Well thursday night I get an email through a social website and he tells me that he was gonna give me his new number, but then his ex came into town and basically they are gonna try and work things out. WTF. At least he wished me well, but come on...he couldn't have called me or told me in person. To make it worst, he deleted his social webpage account, so I dont event have any form of contacting him. I guess he just really wanted to cut me off and turn the other way. I feel sad and not worthy anymore. People tell me I have to live more and go out and date, but when I do find someone compatable, they chose to leave me. This has been the case in every guy that I have liked. I really don't know what to think. It's true I don't get out much, but I really don't have anyone else to go out with and have fun. My life really is a sad story and I keep bringing this blog down with me. But this poor excuse of an online diary/blog is my only outlet sometimes.

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