Friday, September 24, 2010

"friend" break-up?

I hadn't seem or heard from my guy friend for a few days so I decided to go to his place and see if he was ok. Well he was there, and acted like it was no big deal. Well I kept saying I was worried and wanted to see him and asked why he hadn't gone, and he said he's not gonna go to my place again. And primarily due to things I had no control over. For one, he is stuck on something my mom said, joking if he had put a spell or charm over me because I am always going to him and wanting to be with him. I know my mom was joking, but he took it as an offense. Also, he doesn't like how my father looks at him. Who can blame him? Fathers are always protective and suspicious of a daughter's love interest. Plus, my guy friend doesn't even try to make conversation or let my family get to know him, so I understand their concerns. But all that shouldn't matter if he truly wanted to be with me. At least that is what I had thought. I never asked him to be friendly or talkative with my family or to hang out at family gatherings, I accepted our "thing" as it was. And also apparently people in the neighborhood are talking about him and I, about who's daughter I am, about how I visit him and take him places, and I guess I am being portrayed as a "sugga momma", and he don't like the gossip. So due to silly gossip and expected family rections, he is cutting me loose. For now. I was trying not to tear up, and I kept looking away to dry out a few tears coming out. He said he was "contento y feliz solo" [content and happy being alone]. I know I have some feelings for him and I though he had something for me too, but I don't know if he really doesn't want to see me anymore or if he is playing tough guy and see if he can make me believe he is no longer interested. It's really sad because we had talked about maybe making our relationship official, and here he is easily willy to end it all. I think maybe his machismo pride is hurt and wants to re-establish his strong leader loner-yet-ladies-man image he had before.
Ughhh, boys...who will ever understand them?

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