Monday, September 20, 2010

more to the drama...yay :(

The story continues...

This past friday, the day after the whole situation of my guy running out on me because I was ignoring him, (see prior post) he calls up and says we needed to "hablar en serio" to have a serious talk. We talked...well semi-argued. Basically he claims I was being rude (true, I admit to that) and that I was looking to be more than friends with that new guy and blah blah blah. I didn't want to go around in circles trying to defend myself, so I asked if he was done talking, and that he could leave now. Yeah, I kicked him out. Then as he was leaving he said I needed to go to his place to pick up some of my stuff that was there, and I did. Once there, he made up excuses for me to leave saying he had to clean them first and that he would take them to me later. I refused to leave empty handed and make it seem like he was kicking me out. We were both upset with the other but we would smirk and laugh when we tried to keep on a mad face. I would be like "just give me my pillow" and he would say come and get it and he'd lie on top of it, and it would turn into a scuffle, a sort of challenge to see who can restrain the other. It was half serious, half immature play fighting. I think I even tried to bite his shoulder so he can release me LOL. But I gave up and layed there with him on top of me still saying can I have my pillow please, and he laughs. In a wierd way in that fiery instance it was kind of a turn on. LOL. Wierd I know. But he took my hands and kissed me and we were just kind of staring at each other not knowing what to do. He said that if we are gonna continue from her on out, it will be official as bf/gf and niether of us can hide secrets or play around with others. Then my mom called on my cell phone and said "ven para la casa ahorrita, te prohibo que estes ayi". She basically is against me seeing him and wanted me back home immediately, so I told him and left. We didn't agree to anything as to our status, but he said he would go over to my place soon. Well he did that night and also sunday night. All is like it was before. I don't really know if thats a good or bad thing. By the way, my mother is SOOooo against me seeing him.
He has been a little bit nicer than usual and we play around more. I'm more agressive in expressing what I think or what I want. And I don't play the part of the helpless victim, I can play rough too and fight back. Not that we get into physical fights, but I do have a bruise on my ass from when I fell off the bed while we were wrestling LOL I was trying to get out of a head lock and somehow rolled over him and fell off the side. He did catch me and made the fall softer but still it hurt. I landed laughing and crying, but mostly laughing.
But anyways...I think deep down we each have more feelings than we are willing to admit. It is all fun and games now and we just enjoy each others company. I just hope the family tension and the jealousy act dies down soon. I would hate to see our "thing", whatever it is, end. Some people might call me stupid for keeping it going, but I don't think we have reached our expiration date just yet.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I knew something good would out of it. And good for you for standing up for yourself.
