Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Resolution

Welll...I am a very indecisive person and often get stuck in situations or in making life decisions. I think that is where I have been for a long time. Stuck in my current job, and stuck in my current relationship status.
I have always said my job was temporary, but it has become quite the heavy rock on my shoulders. I think I have settled for that job and just given up on any future advances in education. I like what I do, its easy and pays well. I just don't wanna be stuck in a job that I hate. Or if I do, I wanna be ok with that choice. I want to look into going back to college or taking some weekend classes if available. I just need to do something more, or at least accept my position.
I'm still sometimes seeing my past flame, even though we are currently not, nor have we ever been anything official. But there are still some feelings there, even though we both try to hide it from the other. It's obvious when he gets jealous of me going out with a guy friend, and I admit I have also been jealous of his girl friends. Hopefully this new year will have more clarity what we want out of this "thing" we have. I wonder if it's truly possible to stay friends with someone you have feelings for. Hopefully 2011 will shed some clarity into this situation.
I just want to be confident in my decisions and make the right decisions for me. I want to be happy and self confident in who I am. That's what I want for 2011.

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