Tuesday, December 28, 2010

30 Days of Blogging...Day 12 (12.28.10)

I would have to say the worst day of my life was the day I found out about my grandmothers death. I had only ever known 1 grandparent and she passed away when I was 15. That day was heart breaking and hard to accept. I had so much anger and regret. Anger that she had to pass away while on a trip in Mexico, anger that she didn't get the proper health care she needed, anger that our family couldn't be there right there and then, and regret for never truly saying to her how much I really loved her. I was a very closed off person emotionally and never truly expressed how I felt. To this day, I am mad that I never truly expressed how much I loved her and appreciated her. I only pray that she knows how much I love her and miss her.

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