Friday, December 17, 2010

30 Days of Blogging...Day 1

Ok, so I found this blog challenge...

Day 1.

Post 15 facts about yourself.

1. I am 5' 6.5"

2. I love Mexican Food...cause it's my heritage

3. I don't like to wear heels, I always feel like I'm gonna fall

4. I don't like sweets very much....sour/bitter = YUMMY

5. I was a nerd in high school/college...still kinda am

6. I like WWE wrestling!

7. I don't know how to swim

8. I love spicy guacamole/salsa and chips

9. I had my first boyfriend at age 25 :/

10. I've never been drunk, slightly lightheaded but not drunk!

11. I like watching spanish cheesy yet ohh so romanticos

12. I've been in a mini mosh pit at warped tour and I liked it

13. I love music...all kinds, all rhythms

14. I don't know how to dance

15. I don't have any tattoos but I secretly want one :)

1 comment:

  1. what i wouldn't give for that extra inch a half of height! I've never actually been drunk either, but I really don't think i've missed out. oh, and i really want a tattoo too, but I don't know if I can committ.
