Saturday, December 18, 2010

Family Fun Night

Last night was my niece's 20th birthday. We did a last minute celebration involving Posole (yumm) AND Mcdonalds chicken nugets and fries AND frozen fruit salad AND tres-leches cake AND wine coolers. What can I say...It was a hell of a lot better than staying home alone watching tv. Everytime all our family gets together, it is a good time. Especially the ladies of the family. My sisters and nieces and mother and I. We were all sitting at the dinner table eating cake and drinking wine coolers and laughing about silly things and making silly comments. HAHAHAH always a very interesting but quite fun time.

These are my 2 oldest nieces. The 3 of us together always calls for a fun silly time. Yes I am wearing a santa hat, and my niece is wearing a pink cowboy random!

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