Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Well it's Christmas (or at least it was 4 days ago) and it was a blast. In our family, we do Noche Buena the night before at my parents house with lots of food (mainly tamales) and just spending time together talking and gossiping and eatying. Then Christmas morning, they all come back to the parent's house and re-heat tamales and make champurrado (chocolate drink) and have someone dress up as Santa and give out the gifts to the kids. This year my sister-in-law dressed up as the jolly Santa and gave out the gifts. We have a big family so there are lots to open. I damn near went broke just buying them all something. But I like getting everyone something and making them feel special. I go through all the trouble buying everyone gifts, and all I get in return are a soap set, an ugly vest, and some jeans that are like 2 sizes too small. GREEAAATTTTT lol. But really, I'm not complaining. I'll just make them get me something I want later down the road hahah. All in all, it was a very good Christmas season full of cheer and yummy food and good conversations. Navidad 2010 is a success!

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