Friday, December 17, 2010


Well people, I keep abandoning this poor lil blog, because nothing of worthy has really happened in my life. I'm still single, but I'm ok with that. I ended a friendship-type thing with a guy, it was hard to do but had to be done for personal reasons. Work is stable and steady which is good for financial reasons. And I had to cut back on my personal spending because of christmas. I'm nearly done with all my christmas shopping so I can go back to shopping for me again (*insert big smile here*)

Today is also my niece's 20th birthday and my nephew's 22nd birthday. Gosh! I feel so old LOL but its cool, they are more like friends to me. My nephew is in the military and is currently in Afghanistan and will be there well into the new year. It is really sad not to be with him this year. But as long as I know he is safe and sound, then I am ok with it, and we will make it up to him and celebrate when he comes home!

Well that is it for now. If we end up celebrating my niece's birthday today, it would just be me and my 17 year old niece and her. Soooooo...wild girls night! LOL. I'll tell yall how it goes if anything happens.
Until next time...

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